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Editing Drawers

The basic unit of content of Writeopia is StoryStep. The only mandatory field of StoryStep is the StoryType. The type defines how the information should be draw in the screen.

Each type should fill data that is relevant to that type. A "message" should have text, "image" should have an url if it is available in the backend or a path if it is just a local image, a checkbox should have a checked value, etc.

Each StoryStep is mapped to a StoryStepDrawer and provided to the WriteopiaEditor.

val mudableDrawers = DefaultDrawers.create(

// Use a number for a custom number that you would like to support.
mudableDrawers.toMutableMap()[100] = SwipeMessageDrawer()
// Use the existing numbers to substitute an existing drawer from `DefaultDrawers.create`
mudableDrawers.toMutableMap()[StoryTypes.CHECK_ITEM.type.number] = SwipeMessageDrawer()

modifier = Modifier
drawers = mudableDrawers

When supporting a new type, remember to also adding a command to create this type. This is explained in the Commands section

The next sections explain in more details about the default types and drawer provided by Writeopia.